Borrowed this from my blog to share here:
This is the time of year teachers stop basking in the summer laziness and start planning our classrooms. Pinterest has lots of ideas for all things school, but I thought I would use this Friday to focus on getting prepared. All websites can be found by clicking the link under the image.
Monster Stamps: What is more wonderful than these?? The price! They are only $4!
Double Dot Mini Cooler: $59 for Pottery Barn, for schools that let you have them (or rebel teachers wanting to hide the contraband)
Chair Pockets: Using book covers!
Labels: These are so much cuter than the labels I have and they are free!
Where's your name?: A fun solution to help kids remember
Password Sign: Introduce a new vocabulary word each day (I may do weekly for junior high, since we don't have them all day), to enter or exit classroom password must be used
Reminder Bracelet: Do you have kids who always forget to tell their parents something or bring back supplies (I WAS that kid)
Writing Workshop: Visual on writing progress
Smore Learning: You HAVE to check out this link! The whole classroom follows the camping theme and it is fabulous!
Book Cover Pennant: Love it!
Fly Bulletin Board: Looks a little more teenager-ish! :)
Poster Wizard: Design your own posters (you may use this to steal some ideas below)
Crafty Drawers: Scrapbook paper makes these look so much fancier!
Hanging Book Mobile: Probably wouldn't pay $72 for it...
Hungry Caterpillar Lanterns: Couldn't find an original link, but luckily I ALREADY had another pin on my "Party Planning" board with cheap lanterns: $1.95/each
Direction You Choose Poster: Free Printable
Blooms Poster: SO much prettier than the ones I have been given!
More Important to Be Nice: This would be easy to replicate!
"Book" Shelves: Brings a whole new meaning!
Read Across America: Would probably change this to display the world. Students pin where their book takes place.
Every Moment Printable: Free and a variety of colors
Believe in Yourself = Be You: FREE Printable, could send this to walgreens etc. for cheap
Count Your Blessings: Free Printable (She has other really great printables too)
Energy Art: $70 on etsy, or could make yourself for tons cheaper
Gaga Equation: For the math teachers; not all posters are elementary! I heart this! Prices start at $14.56, but would be easy to make your own
Lightbulb Rug: From Walmart starting at $31
File cabinet makeover: could be covered using fabric, scrapbook paper, or wrapping paper
Chalkboard wall decal: adorable for $40
~Mrs. Scott
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