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Reward for Bright Ideas
Due to nutritional guidelines most schools don't allow teachers to give candy as an incentive anymore, and you can only give so many pencils and homework passes before it loses its novelty. Here is another "glowing" suggestion! :)
I found these glow bracelets at Michael's for 15/$1, and after a 20% off coupon (which you can get by signing up for their email list) I bought 10 tubes (150 bracelets) for around 8 bucks!
I used my sons old playdough container because it has a screw on lid and is harder for sweet little hands to sneak some out when I'm not looking. The labels were made using my new silhouette and some spray adhesive.I'm thinking about going back to buy more to stock up, and also to give out at Halloween to trick-or-treaters! ~Mrs. Scott
Great idea!! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to make my way to Michael's tomorrow.
Thank you!