Next week is Red Ribbon Week and I look forward to it every October. My school has a different theme every day to promote saying NO to drugs.Our themes this year are:
Monday: Put a Cap on Drugs (wear your favorite cap)
Tuesday: Make it a GOAL to stay Drug Free (dress for the career you plan to pursue)
Wednesday: It is Crazy to do Drugs (wear your favorite crazy hair style) <-- my personal favorite!
Thursday: Stay in the Game.... Drug Free! (wear your favorite sports jersey or t-shirt)
Friday: Drugs and I Don't Match! (wear mix matched clothes)
We also have a door decorating contest which my teammates and I get a little competitive with every single year. Last year my students and I were studying the reading skill of Main Idea and we made spooky houses. On the inside of the spooky houses we put pictures of things that matched the Main Idea of what would go with a spooky house. Then I decorated my outside door with a mountain and dark night sky along with our Spooky Houses. The theme was "Don't Let Drugs Haunt You". We didn't win but that is okay. We got the message through to Say No to Drugs!
This year I chose to do an activity I found on
The First Grade Parade. (Look at her ideas! She is so stinkin creative!) We read this book....
Then we brainstormed ideas for what our "Mummies" do to help us feel better after we are scared. I so wish I would have taken a picture of our brainstorm because the ideas were really cute! My favorite was from a little boy that is very.... creative. Our sentence stem was "When I am scared my mummy..." and his response was "asks me 'What's wrong, Son?" It cracked me up! He really says some funny stuff.
After we finished brainstorming as a group, students went back to their desk, wrote the sentence stem and were to pick an idea from our brainstorming chart. After we went back and made sure that we wrote the perfect sentence with good spacing, capital letters in the correct place and of course had a punctuation mark at the end and VOILA! Our sentences were awesome!
Next we needed to make our mummies! They turned out so cute! I gave each child a paper plate, orange rectangle, black rectangle and a sheet of white paper. They went to town on their mummies and spent almost a good 45 minutes making them. We unfortunately don't get to do many crafts like this just for fun with every minute counting right now and it was so relaxing for me to watch them create! Each mummy turned out different. When the mummies were finished we took a piece of orange construction paper, glued our sentences and mummies... FINISHED!
Now I realize that whole mummy activity doesn't have a whole lot to do with Red Ribbon Week and saying No to Drugs but don't worry... I made it work!
Don't Let Drugs Wrap You Up!
Mrs. Halbardier