A couple of months ago I wrote a grant to receive a library of interactive educational video games from Lakeshore Learning for the whiteboard (our classes are all equipped with Mimio touch screens). Today I found out that I got it to use with my kids in tutoring!!!

Math Library

Here are a few of the sections that I wrote for the grant application. (You are welcome to steal):
I. Description (Project Overview):
Provide a simple descriptive summary of why you believe there is a need for this project, program, special purchase, or other funding from the Foundation, or what essential benefit could result from funding of your grant.
According to a national survey conducted by the National Institute on Media and the Family:
•92% of children and adolescents 2-17 years old play video games.
•The average child spends between 20-33 minutes a day playing video games, with “tween” boys playing an average of 47 minutes per day.
•African American and Hispanic youth, as well as kids from low and middle income communities spend more time playing video games than other populations.
•The design features of the interactive electronic games have been found to improve skills such as spatial visualization, problem solving, fine motor, and visual attention.
The students coming through our schools are all members of the new technology generation. They have been exposed to the visual stimulation and instant gratification our world now has to offer since birth, making incorporating technology in our classrooms essential for capturing students attention and making lessons more enjoyable.
Lakeshore has created interactive whiteboard software, that comes in the form of a cd-rom to be inserted into a computer and projected on the board and played using our touch screen pens.
II. Objective:
The objective(s) that you develop should directly relate to the need you described above. It should describe the single most important result that you expect to achieve with this project or program. It should also explain how it is going to help you teach or improve your students’ comprehension, enthusiasm, or other educational component.
My goal is for all students to be successful in reading and mathematics through engaging activities! Students who have experienced failure in the past are more apprehensive to attempt the same concept again and end up missing the value and fun in learning. To regain their interest, lessons have to be exciting and engaging.
The action and adventure these games provide initially capture the students attention, and is quickly followed by their competitive nature keeping them motivated to stay involved and work with classmates to be successful. Best of all, the needs of every type of learning style is addressed! Visual learners enjoy the bright graphics and animation the games display. Auditory learners are captivated by music and sound effects, as well as problem solving with teams. The kinesthetic learners, whose learning style typically gets the least amount attention within the classroom, are thrilled to get out of their seats and use the projected technology from the board!
Reading objectives addressed:
•Making Inferences- Students snowboard down a hazardous mountain by reading short passages and correctly answering follow-up inference questions.
•Main Idea- Players practice identifying main ideas as they zip around the mall on a shopping spree, where correct answers put money in their pockets for their purchases!
•Reading Comprehension- A winding maze where students build comprehension skills as they race to capture the flag while answering comprehension questions covering main idea, vocabulary, and inferences.
•Reading for Information- Children try to escape the perils of Shipwreck Island by answering questions that challenge them to recall facts and details, analyze text, and read for meaning.
•Cause and Effect- Teams explore cause and effect through a journey to discover precious jewels while battling obstacles like crocodile-infested waters!
•Vocabulary- Students develop their vocabulary using context clues and inferring meaning to surf a tidal wave and avoid sharks and wipeouts.
Math Objectives Addressed:
•Decimal Operations - Players gain real-world experience in this game of “ATM Action” as they race to earn the most money for their bank accounts. Students tally their earnings, but must make deductions for unexpected bills and fees. (Other objectives addressed: word problems, real world application)
•Word Problems - Teams solve word problems on a race through outer space, fueling their spaceship with each correct answer. (Other objectives addressed: decimals, operations, geometry, algebra, real world application)
•Fractions- Students dodge falling rocks as they climb up a cliff collecting flags as they compare and order fractions, solve fractions operations, and convert fractions into decimals.
•Multiplying and Dividing- Players reinforce multiplication and division skills by storming their opponents’ castles in an epic medieval battle.
•Main Idea- Players practice identifying main ideas as they zip around the mall on a shopping spree, where correct answers put money in their pockets for their purchases!
•Reading Comprehension- A winding maze where students build comprehension skills as they race to capture the flag while answering comprehension questions covering main idea, vocabulary, and inferences.
•Reading for Information- Children try to escape the perils of Shipwreck Island by answering questions that challenge them to recall facts and details, analyze text, and read for meaning.
•Cause and Effect- Teams explore cause and effect through a journey to discover precious jewels while battling obstacles like crocodile-infested waters!
•Vocabulary- Students develop their vocabulary using context clues and inferring meaning to surf a tidal wave and avoid sharks and wipeouts.
Math Objectives Addressed:
•Decimal Operations - Players gain real-world experience in this game of “ATM Action” as they race to earn the most money for their bank accounts. Students tally their earnings, but must make deductions for unexpected bills and fees. (Other objectives addressed: word problems, real world application)
•Word Problems - Teams solve word problems on a race through outer space, fueling their spaceship with each correct answer. (Other objectives addressed: decimals, operations, geometry, algebra, real world application)
•Fractions- Students dodge falling rocks as they climb up a cliff collecting flags as they compare and order fractions, solve fractions operations, and convert fractions into decimals.
•Multiplying and Dividing- Players reinforce multiplication and division skills by storming their opponents’ castles in an epic medieval battle.
~Mrs. Scott
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